UD Blue Gold Invite 2012

Bear, DE

Meet Information



Cross Country Meet Information

DATE: Friday, October 12, 2012

LOCATION: Lums Pond State Park, 1068 Howell School Rd. Bear Delaware approximately 8.98 miles south of the
University Of Delaware Campus on Route 896.

PARKING: There is a parking fee in effect. In-state car $3, In-state van $12, In-state bus $24, Out of state car $6,
Out of state van $24, Out of State bus $48.
(All teams are responsible for paying their own parking fee).

RACES: 2:00pm College Women 6K race
2:45pm College Men 8K race

AWARDS: Team plaques to winning teams. T-Shirts to the top ten finishers.

RULES: NCAA rules apply. You may enter as many athletes as you would like.
Your first five runners will score and your next two will hold places.

COURSE: The course consists of dirt and grass trails with some rough footing.
Spikes or racing flats are recommended.

MAPS: Coming soonWill be available on our website at www.bluehens.com prior to the meet.

ENTRY FEE: $150.00/gender or $20.00/individual. Please make the check payable to the University of Delaware.

INTENT TO COMPETE: Email me at wendym@udel.edu. Please return contract ASAP by fax # 302-831-4058
or mail to:
Wendy McFarlane
XC/Track and Field Office
134 Delaware Field House
621 South College Avenue
Newark Delaware 19716

ENTRIES Online Entries Only at Direct Athletics (www.directathletics.com)

Click Here for DirectAthletics Registration Page

ENTRY DEADLINE: Wednesday, October 10, 2012 at 8:00 PM.

QUESTIONS: Wendy McFarlane