Athlete Entries

JV Boys 1.2 Mile 117 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Houghton, Mack St. Mary Magdalen
Martin, Finnegan St. Anns
Adams, Colton St. John the Beloved
Guarino, Matthew St. John the Beloved
Brown, Jordan St. Edmonds Academy
Walker, Aidan Christ the Teacher
DiSabatino, Samuel St. Mary Magdalen
Eckrich, Samuel St. Anns
Massey, Lochlan Christ the Teacher
Pierson, Jake St Mary of the Assumption MS
Bloser, Patrick St. Mary Magdalen
Nowaczyk, Luke St. Anns
Lutz, Jackson St Mary of the Assumption MS
Vincent, Henry Ursuline Academy CYM Team
Stripling, Jordan St. Elizabeth Middle School
Henderson, Chase St. Elizabeth Middle School
Collins, Warren St. Mary Magdalen
Torpey, Eoin St. Anns
Chickadel, James St. John the Beloved
McGeady , Cole Immaculate Heart of Mary
McFarlin, Will St. Mary Magdalen
Skilling, CJ St. Anns
Piechowski, Andrew St. John the Beloved
Diamond, John St. Edmonds Academy
Davis, Colin Christ the Teacher
Reed, Brendan St. Mary Magdalen
Wardwell, Wilson St. Anns
Aller, Jett Christ the Teacher
Cohen, Tim St Mary of the Assumption MS
Dougherty, Patrick St. Mary Magdalen
Tuttle, Graham Immaculate Heart of Mary
Blair, Kent St. Elizabeth Middle School
Bloser, Jack St. Mary Magdalen
Breen, Gideon St Mary of the Assumption MS
Marley, Ronan St. Mary Magdalen
Bockius, George St. Anns
Lammeree, Gavin St. John the Beloved
Chancey, Benjamin St. John the Beloved
Makori, Christopher Christ the Teacher
Harra, William St. Mary Magdalen
Saienni, Luca St. Anns
Alvarez, Vincent Christ the Teacher
Saienga, Everett St. Mary Magdalen
Cincilla, Victor St. Anns
Mitchell, Connor St Mary of the Assumption MS
Cunningham, Sean Ursuline Academy CYM Team
Oliphant, Briton Christ the Teacher
Grangel, Andrew St. Elizabeth Middle School
Pollio, JJ St. Mary Magdalen
Sackett, Mason St. John the Beloved
Anderson, Bradley Immaculate Heart of Mary
Oller, Noah St. Mary Magdalen
Sensing, Clay St. Anns
Durney, Joe St. John the Beloved
Mulshenock, Michael St. John the Beloved
Connell, Brody St. Edmonds Academy
Marra, Vincent Christ the Teacher
Sanna, Bray St. Mary Magdalen
James, Dylan St. Anns
Koch, Declan Christ the Teacher
Johnson, Asa St Mary of the Assumption MS
Sauers, John Alexander St. Mary Magdalen
Scarangella, Luke Immaculate Heart of Mary
Jordan IV, Griffith St. Elizabeth Middle School
Lanoue, Logan St. Mary Magdalen
Besten, Trevor St Mary of the Assumption MS
Staniec, Patrick St. Mary Magdalen
McLain, Mason St. Anns
Ackerman, Jackson St. John the Beloved
Godfrey, Wyatt Immaculate Heart of Mary
Lichtenberger, Reid St. John the Beloved
Manchin, Kyle St. Mary Magdalen
Wheeler, Leo St. Anns
Hill, Declan Christ the Teacher
Breeding, Lukas St. Mary Magdalen
Corey, Colin St. Anns
Richardson, Pierce Christ the Teacher
Perry, Matthew St Mary of the Assumption MS
Olivere, Benjamin Immaculate Heart of Mary
Good-Daniels, Liam St. Elizabeth Middle School
Ranalli, Jude St. Mary Magdalen
Dinesh, Atharv St Mary of the Assumption MS
Appiah, Ofosu St. John the Beloved
Vintigni, Alexander St. Mary Magdalen
Mullen , Conor St. Anns
Sayers, James St. John the Beloved
Pennington, Samuel St. John the Beloved
Kelly, Jackson St. Edmonds Academy
Johnson, Callahan Christ the Teacher
Corey, Gavin St. Mary Magdalen
Alsop, Rees St. Anns
Nkemta, Brice Christ the Teacher
Henninger, Luke St Mary of the Assumption MS
Valentine, Wyatt St. Mary Magdalen
Orga, Evan St. Anns
Vigliotta Jr. , Gregory Immaculate Heart of Mary
Pabon, Ezra St. Elizabeth Middle School
Ditchett, Cary St Mary of the Assumption MS
Barillare, Liam St. Mary Magdalen
Rowe, Matthew St. Anns
Terranova, Jake St. John the Beloved
Cole, Luke Immaculate Heart of Mary
Higgins, Ben St. Anns
McNulty, George St. John the Beloved
Matassino, Douglas St. Mary Magdalen
Johns, Declan St. Edmonds Academy
Villasenor, Ethan Christ the Teacher
Saienni, Domenic St. Mary Magdalen
Savage, Brady St. Anns
Wilcoxon, Christopher Christ the Teacher
Schmidt, Aaron St Mary of the Assumption MS
Alvord, Sean St. Mary Magdalen
Allen, Rockland St. John the Beloved
Pixley, Luke Immaculate Heart of Mary
Albano, Dante St. Elizabeth Middle School
Wilson, Nathan St. Mary Magdalen
Bentzinger, Evan St Mary of the Assumption MS
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JV Girls 1.2 Mile 148 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Audriana Christ the Teacher
Romanczuk, Kyla St Mary of the Assumption MS
Oller, Meredith St. Mary Magdalen
Hoopes, Olivia St. John the Beloved
Pixley, Caroline Immaculate Heart of Mary
Finnigan, Nora St. Mary Magdalen
Eleanor, Small St. Anns
Meashey, Jazmin St Mary of the Assumption MS
Riegel, Samantha St. Mary Magdalen
McCloskey, Kenleigh St. Anns
Lenhardt, Fiona St. John the Beloved
Tomassacci, Nicole Immaculate Heart of Mary
Ayers, Rosalee Ursuline Academy CYM Team
Fletcher, Taylor St. John the Beloved
Baez, Adela Immaculate Heart of Mary
Mooney-Doyle, Vivienne St. Mary Magdalen
Raab, Annie St. Anns
Finnigan, Rory St. Mary Magdalen
Depta, Hannah St. Mary Magdalen
Pillarisetti, Nayanika Christ the Teacher
DeVoll, Kate St Mary of the Assumption MS
Lorber, Sloane St Mary of the Assumption MS
McFarlin, Reese St. Mary Magdalen
Bowser, Aubrielle Christ the Teacher
Corey, Teagan St. Mary Magdalen
Dougher, Eleni St. Anns
Mitchell, Sophia St Mary of the Assumption MS
Piechoski, Kira St. John the Beloved
Flanagan, Kennedy Immaculate Heart of Mary
Kery, Annabel St. Mary Magdalen
McCloskey, Grace St. Anns
Lewandowski, Cecilia St. John the Beloved
Pongsree, Elm Immaculate Heart of Mary
Russell, Bevin Ursuline Academy CYM Team
Hogate, Giada St. John the Beloved
Sheehan, Keira St. Mary Magdalen
McGillen, Kaitlyn St. Mary Magdalen
Walker, Sadie Christ the Teacher
Lorber, Delaney St Mary of the Assumption MS
Smith, Maeve St. Anns
Stumpo, Madeleine St. Mary Magdalen
Colon, Isabel Christ the Teacher
Zapp, Jordyn St Mary of the Assumption MS
Gambacorta, Rosemary St. John the Beloved
Powell, Lucia Immaculate Heart of Mary
Jones, Ella St. Mary Magdalen
Matthews, Emy St. Anns
Bennett, Grace St Mary of the Assumption MS
Saienga, Penelope St. Mary Magdalen
Camp, Olive St. Anns
McGinley, Vivi St Mary of the Assumption MS
Procak, Juliana St. John the Beloved
Vigliotta, Rose Immaculate Heart of Mary
Curry, Fiona Ursuline Academy CYM Team
Blum, Abigail St. John the Beloved
Handlon, Emma Immaculate Heart of Mary
Szczerba, Cecilia St. Mary Magdalen
Gryan , Cecilia St. Anns
Lopez-Sosa, Valery St. Elizabeth Middle School
Hanna, Taylor St. Mary Magdalen
Geraghty, Cara St. Mary Magdalen
Aller, Cali Christ the Teacher
Perry, Sadie St Mary of the Assumption MS
Hazzard, Sawyer St. Anns
Neves, June St Mary of the Assumption MS
Mertz, Victoria St. Mary Magdalen
Urban, Colette Christ the Teacher
Degnan, Taylor St. Mary Magdalen
Frentzel, Zoe St. Anns
Hilegas, Riley St Mary of the Assumption MS
Denbow, Madelyn St. John the Beloved
Horning, Emma Immaculate Heart of Mary
Hamill, Casey St. Mary Magdalen
Higgins, Hillary St. Anns
Terranova, Charlotte St. John the Beloved
Powers, Madison Immaculate Heart of Mary
Curry, Keira Ursuline Academy CYM Team
Yeager, Savanah St. John the Beloved
Young, Lucy St. Mary Magdalen
Janus, Mila Christ the Teacher
Neves, Gigi St Mary of the Assumption MS
Westcott, Charlotte St. Anns
Wachter, Shea St. Mary Magdalen
Fuentes, Mikaela Serviam Girls Academy
Borges, Elizabeth Christ the Teacher
Zwick, Savannah St Mary of the Assumption MS
Cole, Emma Immaculate Heart of Mary
Kery, Amelia St. Mary Magdalen
Paskevicius, Faith Christ the Teacher
Delle Donne, Gia St Mary of the Assumption MS
Hill, Cierra Ursuline Academy CYM Team
Matassino, Emily St. Mary Magdalen
Larkin , Reese St. Anns
Irwin, Madelyn St Mary of the Assumption MS
Filasky, Juniper St. John the Beloved
Godfrey, Eileen Immaculate Heart of Mary
Baffone, Sarah St. John the Beloved
Joy, Delaney Immaculate Heart of Mary
Ewasko, Lindsay Ursuline Academy CYM Team
Stewart, Carolina St. Mary Magdalen
James, Ellison St. Anns
Lopez-Sosa, Alexa St. Elizabeth Middle School
Harrington, Capri St. Mary Magdalen
Harris, Anna St. Mary Magdalen
Donovan, Kennedy Christ the Teacher
Clark, Cecilia St Mary of the Assumption MS
Younker, Scarlett St. Anns
Joseph, Gianna Christ the Teacher
Pierson, Samantha St Mary of the Assumption MS
Mieczkowski, Tessa St. Mary Magdalen
Coppolino, Jillian Immaculate Heart of Mary
Dunn, Riley St. Mary Magdalen
Ohliger, Shea St. Anns
Baldwin, Sophia St Mary of the Assumption MS
Watts, Madison St. John the Beloved
Harra, Brooke St. Mary Magdalen
McConnell, Kate St. Anns
Mullin, Ellie St. John the Beloved
Sopko, Serena Immaculate Heart of Mary
Hannig, Ava Ursuline Academy CYM Team
Hutton, Grace St. John the Beloved
Carroll, Kinsley St. Mary Magdalen
Sylves, Micheala St Mary of the Assumption MS
Lord, Joey St. Mary Magdalen
Mrozinski, Amelia St. Anns
Curtis, Fiona St. Mary Magdalen
Carrasco-Rosalio, Camila Christ the Teacher
Baldwin, Ava St Mary of the Assumption MS
Murphy, Peyton Immaculate Heart of Mary
Mahler, Josephine St. Mary Magdalen
Farris, Emma Mae Christ the Teacher
Hawthorne, Alexa St Mary of the Assumption MS
Hannig, Mea Ursuline Academy CYM Team
DiSabatino, Eliza St. Mary Magdalen
DePalma, Anneliese St. Anns
Cuva, Viola St Mary of the Assumption MS
Senigo, Kennedy St. John the Beloved
Cole, Maggie Immaculate Heart of Mary
McConnell, Emily St. Anns
Lenhardt, Caelynn St. John the Beloved
Lawrie, Isla Immaculate Heart of Mary
Hopkins, Elise Ursuline Academy CYM Team
Alexo, Marin St. Mary Magdalen
Mieczkowski, Emily St. Mary Magdalen
Knapp, Katie St. Mary Magdalen
Kpeglo, Christabel Christ the Teacher
Doyle, Madeline St Mary of the Assumption MS
Abrahams, Sylvia St. Anns
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Varsity Boys 2.2 Mile 61 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gibbons, Josh St. Mary Magdalen
Narvaez, Lincoln St. Anns
Menakaya, Francis St. Elizabeth Middle School
Godfrey, Patrick Immaculate Heart of Mary
Weinert, Patrick St. Edmonds Academy
Dempsey, Colin St. John the Beloved
Lankford, Jacob St. Edmonds Academy
Alexander, Jared St Mary of the Assumption MS
Cameron, Sean Christ the Teacher
Arat, Alex St. Mary Magdalen
Ryan , Mullen St. Anns
Janes, Andrew St. Mary Magdalen
Donnelly, Pearce St. Anns
Blevins III, Wiley St. Elizabeth Middle School
Reed, Noah Immaculate Heart of Mary
Russell, Jacob St. Edmonds Academy
Morris, Avery St. John the Beloved
Alvarez, Anthony Christ the Teacher
Davenport, Dean St. Mary Magdalen
Mulvena, Quinn St. Mary Magdalen
Curtis, Tyner St. Anns
Sobocinski, Sean Immaculate Heart of Mary
Cavanaugh, Brett St. Elizabeth Middle School
Sargent, Paul St. Edmonds Academy
Constantino, Basil St. John the Beloved
McKinney, Jase-Ryan St. Edmonds Academy
Morris, Eli St Mary of the Assumption MS
Hudson, Andrew Christ the Teacher
Bridgman, Brian St. Mary Magdalen
Orr, Owen St. Anns
Barillare, Keegan St. Mary Magdalen
Bockius, David St. Anns
Dominguez-Yanez, Samuel St. Elizabeth Middle School
Orysiek, Oakley Immaculate Heart of Mary
Meixell, Ben St. Edmonds Academy
Terranova, Ryan St. John the Beloved
Reed, Christian St. Mary Magdalen
DelMatto, James St. Anns
Hills, Henry St. Mary Magdalen
Renz, Nicholas Immaculate Heart of Mary
Hess, Edwin St. Elizabeth Middle School
DeSimone, Justin St. Edmonds Academy
Poole, William St. Edmonds Academy
McGurk, Luka Christ the Teacher
Carroll, Kaysen St. Mary Magdalen
Collins, Grayson St. Mary Magdalen
Gabor, Sebastian St. Anns
Pabon, Xavian St. Elizabeth Middle School
Godfrey, Brody Immaculate Heart of Mary
Collins, Christian St. Edmonds Academy
Shelton, Jake St. John the Beloved
Connell, Logan St. Edmonds Academy
Rossillo, Robert St Mary of the Assumption MS
Arat, Noah St. Mary Magdalen
Dulin, Ean St. Anns
Jones, Dylan St. Mary Magdalen
Lyons, Jacob St. Elizabeth Middle School
Gordon, Nolan St. Edmonds Academy
Smith, Connor St. John the Beloved
Pertain, Chaz Christ the Teacher
Clayton, Thomas St. Mary Magdalen
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Varsity Girls 2.2 Mile 68 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Anissa Serviam Girls Academy
Brutsche, Sophia Immaculate Heart of Mary
Gambacorta, Veronica St. John the Beloved
Murphy, Teagan St. Mary Magdalen
Donilon, Maeve St. Anns
Joseph, Mia Christ the Teacher
Stevenson, Jessica St Mary of the Assumption MS
Loscalzo, Emily St. Mary Magdalen
Campbell, Leah St. Anns
Sopko, Laila Immaculate Heart of Mary
Brown, JaNiyah Serviam Girls Academy
Tchanque, Samyrah St. John the Beloved
Kane, Phoebe St. Anns
Hutton, Ellie St. John the Beloved
Lane, Talula St Mary of the Assumption MS
Roche, Elizabeth St. Mary Magdalen
Ingelsby, Kate St. Anns
McQuillan, Ellie St. Anns
Anderson, Amoree Serviam Girls Academy
stroud, taylor Immaculate Heart of Mary
Hess, Elena St. Elizabeth Middle School
Trumbull, Sadie St. John the Beloved
Shenal, Grace St. Mary Magdalen
Eckrich , Abby St. Anns
McDermott, Emmaline St Mary of the Assumption MS
Szczerba, Mary St. Mary Magdalen
DeMaio, Lucy St. Anns
Tomassacci , Julia Immaculate Heart of Mary
Russell, Yvonne Serviam Girls Academy
Lindsey, Ella St. Anns
Murillo, Natalie St. John the Beloved
Egoville, Juliana Ursuline Academy CYM Team
Huang, Chelsea St Mary of the Assumption MS
Kasey, Harper Christ the Teacher
DiSabatino, Annabel St. Mary Magdalen
Kain, Italia St. Mary Magdalen
DePalma, Cecilia St. Anns
Horsey, Riley St. Anns
Sherkey, Emma St. Elizabeth Middle School
Anderson, Ava Serviam Girls Academy
Barlow, Bella St. John the Beloved
Boyle, Teagan St. Mary Magdalen
Higgins, Jackie St. Anns
Lewandowski, Chloe St. John the Beloved
Norris, Gianna St Mary of the Assumption MS
Kowal, Lucia St. Mary Magdalen
Klous, Molly St. Anns
Burris, Audrey St. Anns
Scarangella, Anna Immaculate Heart of Mary
Fuentes, Zahira Serviam Girls Academy
Love, Sydney St. John the Beloved
Priestley, Lydia St. Anns
Coletti, Katherine St. Anns
Scopio, Adeline Ursuline Academy CYM Team
Brown, Brooklyn St Mary of the Assumption MS
Montee, Sophia Christ the Teacher
Mieczkowski, Anna St. Mary Magdalen
Houghton, Elle St. Mary Magdalen
Kauffman, Maggie St. Elizabeth Middle School
Handlon, Sadie Immaculate Heart of Mary
Brokenberry, Jayla Serviam Girls Academy
Liounis, Haley St. John the Beloved
Ingelsby, Kate St. Anns
Mulshenock, Sophia St. John the Beloved
Devine, Robin St Mary of the Assumption MS
Coyle, Sadie St. Mary Magdalen
LaFond, Sarah St. Anns
Cincilla, Vera St. Anns
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